주 윤아 Ju, Youna
계원예고 졸업
한양대학교 수석졸업
독일 프라이부르크 국립음대 전문연주자과정(Künstlerische Ausbildung) 졸업
독일 프라이부르크 국립음대 Advanced Studies 졸업
독일 데트몰트 국립음대 실내악 석사 졸업
수원 청소년 음악 콩쿨 1위, 서울 중구신문사 콩쿨, 협성대 콩쿨 2위
계원예고, 한양대 오케스트라 협연 및 상하이음악원 초청 연주
독일 Bamberger Symphoniker 장학생 단원 역임
독일 Detmold Chamber Orchestra 객원 수석 역임
현) Ensemble Eins 단원, 과천시립교향악단, 크로스 챔버 오케스트라 단원
Cellist Youna Ju graduated from Kaywon Arts High School in the top of her school, and then studied at Hanyang University College of Music under Professor Kyung-Ok Park, graduating with top honors. Then Ms. Ju moved to Germany to study at Hochschule für Musik Freiburg under Professor Christoph Henkel and graduated with diploma for Künstlerische Ausbildung course and Advanced Studies. Her piano trio team “Triosam” also graduated Master of Chamber Music at Hochschule für Musik Detmold under Auryn Quartet and Professor Peter Orth with the highest score (Auszeichnung). Ms. Ju won awards from numerous competitions including Suwon Youth Music Competition, Seoul Jung-gu Newspaper Competition, Hyupsung University Competition. While studying at Kaywon Arts High School and Hanyang University, she auditioned for soloist position and performed at Seoul Arts Center and Sanghai Conservatory of Music in China. Furthermore, as a scholarship member of Germany Bamberger Symphoniker, Ms. Ju was presented with orchestra cello ‘Jean Baptiste Vuillaume’ and performed with world-renowned conductors Jonathan Nott, Herbert Blomstedt and Osmo Vänskä at world-famous halls. She also performed with Germany Detmold Chamber Orchestra as a regular honorary member and participated Kuss Quartet’s master class at Bamberg Mozart Festival for a performance. Ms. Ju’s interest in contemporary music has begun since she has participated in a contemporary music concert “Vor-Echo” at HfM Freiburg with many composers, and it continued to grow while participating in various contemporary music projects with Professor Bernhard Wulff, such as Steve Reich Project. Currently, Ms. Ju is actively performing as a member of Gwacheon Philharmonic Orchestra, Cross Chamber Orchestra, and Ensemble Eins.